Shoe Tips

8 Ways: How to Make Your Shoes Non-slip DIY

Shoes are a beautiful part of clothing and a must-have for everyone. When you go shopping for shoes, it’s normal to pay much attention to the style, color, and fit of your potential choice while ignoring whether or not it’s non-slip. Suppose you can’t afford new shoes or are reluctant to get a new pair of shoes because you have many. In that case, you’d be glad about the tricks I’ll provide on how to make your shoes non-slip. So, how do you make your shoes non-slip DIY?

Here are eight ways to make your shoes non-slip enough to boost your confidence as you stride in them. The idea behind every one of these methods is to add traction to the soles of your shoes. Traction equals non-slippery shoes.

Ways to Make Your Shoe Non-slip DIY

Use Sandpaper

Using sandpaper to scuff your shoe’s sole is a controlled and effective way to make your shoes non-slip. This method is even more remarkable because it doesn’t ruin or wear out your shoe. Buy 50-100 grit sandpaper or find a used one and rub the outsoles of your shoes. This will give it a rough surface and ensure that you have excellent traction when walking on slippery surfaces. Sandpaper is used to smoothen uneven surfaces, but if a surface is already smooth, the sandpaper will make it rough. You can use a nail file if you can’t find any sandpaper.

Score The Bottoms

It’s crazy to imagine you’d use a knife or blade on your favorite pair of Louboutins, right? It seems crazy, but actually, it helps. Scoring your shoe’s bottom gives passage for water, so you’re able to walk on wet surfaces. Besides, you can always make any design of your choice, diagonal or vertical lines and even snake patterns. However, ensure your shoe is completely dry before scoring its bottom. Also, if you cut the bottom in a diagonal or vertical line in a particular direction, ensure you cut it again in the opposite direction.

Use Traction Spray

Traction spray is a good choice if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to make your shoes non-slip. It works by providing an anti-slip coating for your shoe’s sole, giving it enough grip to walk on ice firmly. First, you must clean your shoe’s outsole. Then spray the sole with a traction spray and let it dry for three hours before you use the shoe.
However, you may be in an emergency and unable to find a traction spray. In that case, a hairspray can come in handy. Hairsprays are more common and easier to find. They are less effective than traction sprays because they don’t last longer, needing reapplication after each wear. Nevertheless, they will hold you to the floor firmly.

Add Sand To The Soles

It’s a stupid idea to add sand to the soles of your shoes until you see the magic. You can’t add sand directly to your shoe’s sole if you think about it. Therefore, you must first generously apply a spray with an adhesive quality on the sole areas you’ll stick the sand. Then you can add the sand now. Note that the coarser the sand, the stronger the grip.

Use A Mixture Of Rubber Glue & Salt

Like in the sand method above, the rubber glue and salt method give your shoe soles a grainy texture. It’s a super effective way to add traction to your shoes. First, ensure that your shoe sole is completely dry. Then pour salt and rubber glue into a bowl. The amount of salt and glue must be equal because one more than the other will render this method ineffective. Mix the salt and glue until you get an even mixture. Then apply the mixture over your shoe’s sole using a paintbrush. The chances are, you already have salt in your home and perhaps rubber glue too. Therefore you may not have to spend on this method.

Use Ankle Straps

Another way to prevent slipping is to keep your shoes as close to your feet as possible. Add ankle straps to your shoes! Shoes too big or too small will make you uncomfortable or easy to slip, especially high heels.

Use Grip Pads

Using grip pads is excellent because it doesn’t compromise your shoe’s structure. Grip pads make your shoe soles last longer, meaning your shoe will last longer too. Grip pads are self-adhesive, often made of rubber to keep your soles safe. It’s also an inexpensive method to make your shoes non-slip. First, ensure that your shoe sole is completely dry. Then roll off the pad’s protective covering, holding up the sticky side. Apply the pad to the sole, particularly the heel and toe areas. Hold the pad for about two minutes, then leave the shoe for a day before using it. Viola!

Use Puff Paint

You’ll find this method much fun if you love colors. Puff paint leaves a grippy surface when it dries. This will create the traction that your shoe’s soles need. When your shoe soles are dry, apply a thin layer of puff paint to them. Let it stay for one hour to dry before you can use the shoes. This method is fun but not permanent. Try this out if you’re wondering how to make shoes non-slip for work.

Buy Non-slip Shoes

Prevention will always be better than cure. So next time you’re shopping for shoes in the mall, be sure to find out if your choice is non-slip and opt for a non-slip one if it’s not.
If you’ve lost your balance, slipped, or fallen before, you’ll know it’s not a pleasant experience. That is why having a pair (or two) of non-slip shoes in your collection will do you plenty of good. Luckily, now you know how to make shoes non-slip for work and other occasions. However, to optimize your non-slip shoes and last longer, you need to know when to use them.

When To Wear Non-slip Shoes

Generally, non-slip shoes will hold you in place on a slippery surface. You can wear your non-slip shoes in winter when everywhere snows. Snow is wet, and you can easily slip and fall if you’re not in the right shoes. You can also use your non-slip shoes during the rainy seasons since everywhere will always be wet. Furthermore, you can use your non-slip shoes in your workplace if the surfaces are slippery, wet, or oily.

Benefits Of Non-slip Shoes

There are so many benefits to wearing non-slip shoes. Some of these include.

  • They reduce accidents on slippery work surfaces.
  • They reduce accidents on the often wet and slippery kitchen floors.
  • They reduce accidents on slippery roads.
  • Non-slip slippers reduce accidents in bathrooms.
  • They cushion your feet against stress if you’ll be standing or walking for long.
  • They are more durable because they’re made with rubber that is resistant to wear.
  • They boost your confidence when you walk, so you can walk faster and even run if you wish.

How to make shoes non-slip DIY FAQs

How To Make Shoes Non-Slip For Work?

You can use sandpaper to scuff your shoe’s sole or score the sole with a blade.

How To Make Shoes Non-Slip For Restaurants?

If you frequent or work in restaurants, you’ll find that applying traction spray to your shoe’s sole works like magic.

Are Slip-Resistant Shoes Safe For Winter?

Winter is a cold and wet time. Non-slip shoes are not only the safest option for winter but a comfortable and durable one too.

How To Tell If My Shoes Are Slip-Resistant?

The manufacturer will indicate slip resistance in the product description of the shoes. However, you can check for a rubber and tread-patterned outsole to confirm.

Will Sandpaper Not Only Make My Shoes Smoother?

Sandpaper roughens the smooth nature of your shoe soles. It will only make your shoes smooth if they were rough before.

Now that you know how to make shoes non-slip DIY, you’ll have more peace of mind anytime you walk. If you need clarification on any doubt or wish to add something, please leave a comment below. I’m excited to hear from you.

Learn more shoe tips with Sizzey

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