Knowledge of shoes,  Shoe Tips

How to Use Them? Shoe Cream Vs Shoe Wax!

Considering how leather shoes are fervently increasing in price, you don’t want to show even the slightest disrespect to your pair. I love leather shoes, and they should be treated like royalty (because they are). Though it’s fundamentally important to keep your leather shoes polished, you must choose the best polish for them. I’ll highlight the key differences between shoe cream and wax polishes in this article. You’ll also learn how to use both to give your shoes the care it deserves. So, shoe cream and shoe wax, which should you go for?

You must first know what shoe cream and wax are to understand their differences and area of use.

[MUST READ: 3 Ways: How to Shine Your Shoes?]

shoe cream vs shoe wax

What Is A Shoe Cream?

A shoe cream is a shoe polish that contains pigments or dyes, a small amount of wax, water, and oil. The primary purpose of it is to color leather and condition it through moisturizing. It does that by absorbing it into the leather and hydrating it.

What Is A Shoe Wax?

A shoe wax is a type of shoe polish that contains a high concentration of hard waxes. It still has all the other ingredients as shoe cream but in a smaller concentration. The primary purpose of a shoe wax is to give your leather shoe a higher gloss shine. It does that by sitting on the leather rather than absorbing it. That way, shoe wax also covers scuffs and protects the leather.

Difference Between Shoe Cream And Shoe Wax

You may have already noticed the differences between shoe cream and shoe wax from the definitions. For one, whereas a shoe cream is rich in pigment or dyes, a show wax is rich in wax. That is, shoe cream contains a higher concentration of pigments, while shoe wax has a higher concentration of waxes. For this reason, shoe cream absorbs into the leather while shoe wax sits on it. Therefore, while shoe cream will nourish and color your shoe, shoe wax will give it a good shine. In addition, shoe wax creates a protective barrier on your leather shoe. This barrier protects it from light, water, scratches, and scuffs.

Now that you’re clear on the main difference, you probably have a couple of questions in mind. Some of the questions you may ask include the following.

  • How can I use shoe cream?
  • How can I use shoe wax?
  • Can I use both shoe cream and wax on my shoes?
  • Do my leather shoes need more cleaning besides polishing?

These are all familiar, valid, and necessary questions if you care about your leather shoes. Let’s dive into them.

How To Use Shoe Cream

  • Ensure you remove every surface dirt on your leather shoes.
  • Apply the shoe cream. Shoe creams usually come in different colors and shades. However, you may find another match for your shoes, which is okay. The essential thing here is to find the nearest-exact match you can. Also, you want enough cream to cover the entire shoe surface without creating a clear build-up.
  • Use a chamois to rub down the cream into the shoe. Ensure you use just enough pressure ( moderate to firm ).
  • Let the cream dry to sufficiently absorb into the leather. For this reason, you must use a shoe cream hours ahead of using the shoe. It’s best if you apply the cream overnight.
  • When the shoe cream must have gotten into the leather, brush the shoe with a shoe shine brush.
  • You’re good to go!

How To Use Shoe Wax

  • Put enough shoe wax onto your chamois, avoiding any mess.
  • Apply the shoe wax on the entire shoe surface as you did with e cream above. When you wax shoes, a coating or two is okay for your shoe. However, avoid the top of the shoe if you go beyond two. This is because the wax is hard and may break when it dries. You’ll see a white build-up at the top of your shoes when that happens. You don’t want that, do you?
  • After applying the wax, let it settle for five minutes.
  • Once the wax is dry, brush the shoe with a shoe shine brush until you get the shine you want.
  • You’re good to go!

Can You Use Both of Them?

Yes, you definitely can. However, if you’re going to use both, creaming should come first. Wax shoes only after you’ve creamed them, not before. You must follow both steps above to achieve this.

Cleaning Your Shoes Vs. Polishing Them

Please don’t make the mistake of thinking you don’t have to clean them if you cream or wax shoes. You can’t polish a dirty shoe. In short, it’s dangerous for your shoes if you polish them without cleaning them first. To clean your shoes, follow these steps.

  • Remove the shoe laces and wash them if they’re dirty. Keep them aside until you finish cleaning the shoes if they’re not dirty.
  • Brush off dirt and debris all over the shoe.
  • Mix water and soap and use a brush to remove stubborn stains.
  • Using a damp cloth, wipe off the soap.
  • Use a dry cloth to wipe the shoe again.
  • Leave the shoes to dry completely.
  • You’re good to polish them now!


How Can I Maintain My Leather Shoe’s Color?

Using a shoe cream is best. The pigments in shoe creams absorb into your leather shoes and nourish their colors.

If I Must Pick, Should It Be Shoe Cream Or Wax?

That solely depends on what you want for your shoe. If you want a great shine, wax your shoe. Shoe cream does the magic if it’s a great color you’re after. You may even want to use them in conjunction. If that’s the case, apply the cream to hydrate and color your shoes. Then give it a top shelf mirror shine with good wax.

What To Do As I can’t Find A Shoe Cream Color Match For My Shoe?

It’s practically impossible to find a cream color that fits your shoes exactly. The best bet is to go for a near-exact match.

Can Wax Polish Damage My Shoes?

No, shoe wax will not damage your shoes. Wax may break on your shoes, but this doesn’t damage them.

How Often Should I Polish My Shoes?

How regularly you cream or wax shoes depend on how frequently you wear them. I recommend polishing weekly with cream and wax if you use your shoes daily.

It’s not an easy fit to take care of leather shoes, but you must ensure the value. My tips above will help you form a good habit of looking after your shoes. It’ll be helpful for me to know what you think about these tips. I could learn a thing or two from you, so please leave a comment. Thank you.

Learn more shoe tips with Sizzey!

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