High Heels,  Shoe Tips

How to Walk in High Heels: Beginner Friendly Training Guide [Updated 2023]

Out of all varieties of footwear peculiar to females, heels are arguably the most fashionable. This piece has been in vogue for a long time and has come to stay. Of all the superpowers attributed to heels, the overall boost of the conference they give is one thing that makes them so unique. Also, a pair of heels could be all you need to spice up your outfit and stand out for an event. But, how to walk in heels becomes a problem.

Females who know how to walk in heels slay them effortlessly. However, some find the entire process uncomfortable. This is not surprising because the art of walking in heels can be quite complicated in itself. This beginner-friendly guide will uncover walk in heels tips and answer some frequently asked questions.

It is a problem to learn how to walk in high heels

Ever been in a situation where you have an upcoming event, your outfits are ready, and your heels are the perfect match? However, you have never really been comfortable in heels or have no idea how to walk in heels. Let me show you the useful walk in heels tips and guidance for you.

Training of walking in high heels

You may have googled the questions, ‘how to walk in heels,’ or ‘how to walk high heeled shoes’ multiple times. A lot of suggestions might pop up, but nothing beats practice. Practice makes perfect! While training yourself to wear heels, you must work on your leg strength, balance, and mobility. Wearing heels when you have weak ankles can increase the chances of an injury, hence the need to increase leg strength. You could begin your practice sessions from home and try the following exercises as a beginner.

Build your strength first

Heel raises: Stand with your feet about 30cm apart, with your hands lightly resting on a flat surface. Slowly raise your heels off the floor while keeping your knees straight. Hold for about 6 seconds, then slowly lower your heels to the floor. Repeat this 15-20 times a day.

Toe raises: Seat with your feet on the floor and rest your hands on your lap. Lift your toes on the left foot, keeping the right foot firmly on the ground. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds and lower your toes. Repeat this 10-15 times on each foot for three sets.

Ankle circles: Stand upright with your feet apart and arms by your side. Shift your weight to the right leg and point your left toes down into the ground. Start rotating your left foot, making small circles with your ankle. Repeat the exercise with your right foot.

Practice wearing

After you must have built your strength with these exercises, the next step is to practice wearing the heels.

We advise starting with lower heels first; you can gradually move up to higher lengths.

Stand still: Wear your heels and get yourself in the perfect standing posture. Make sure to keep your knees and hips relaxed.

Practice your walk: Don’t rush. Take short steps so as not to stumble. Roll from heel to toe and be conscious of your posture.

Train yourself for walking in high heels

Trick to walk in high heels

Could there be wrong methods in learning how to walk in high-heeled shoes? Is there a right or wrong way to walk in heels? The answer to both questions is yes.

In this paragraph, we will discuss the tricks of walking in high heels. Exciting right? Firstly, there is a clear-cut distinction between how to walk in flats and how to walk in heels. When walking on flats, you put your whole foot down at once. However, with heels, you walk heel to toe. This means you put your heel down first, followed by your toe.

Secondly, taking your time while walking in heels is always best. There is no need to rush; you may end up looking awkward. Take small, bold steps instead. Thirdly, walk as though you are walking in a straight line. Rather than looking down as you walk, it will be best for you to imagine that you are walking down a straight line.

Why are high heels so uncomfortable?

In comparison to other footwear, heels are less comfortable. As a result, you cannot refer to them as comfortable shoes. Here we will answer the fifth and final question, why are high heels so uncomfortable? Do your feet begin to ache whenever you walk some distance in your favorite heel? Does this happen all the time? There are specific reasons why your heels are so uncomfortable. Check the list below to find where you fall in:

The placement of the heel

This is a significant factor to consider when purchasing heels. Sadly, a lot of people do not consider it. Ideally, placing the shoe heel directly under the heel bone is best. That is, in line with the ankle joint. High-heeled shoes with far-back heels may look aesthetically pleasing but place more pressure on the front of your foot. Also, if the shoe’s heel sits far behind the heel bone, it’ll thrust the body’s weight forward. This causes pain to the ball of the foot.

Height of the heel

High heels above 3 inches will certainly be more challenging to walk in than lower heels. The same goes for ultra-thin heels. Consider lower heels if you find it uncomfortable walking in very high heels

In summary, getting the right-sized heel for you is key to having a pleasant heel experience. Take time to build your leg strength and balance before climbing that heel. Take it easy while walking on the heels, take smaller steps and maintain a good standing posture. As a beginner, start with wedges; it is only a matter of time before you can confidently rock that stiletto. Take the placement of the heels, the height, and the thickness of the heel into consideration while purchasing high-heeled shoes. As beauty is essential, walking with heel pain is not a pleasant experience either. We hope our guide, “How to walk in heels,” helps you walk better and bolder. Cheers to rocking your favorite heels! Cheers to a pleasant heel experience. Did you find the tips and tricks in this guide helpful? Which tips do you look forward to trying? Don’t be a stranger, drop a comment below.

Try to wear heels without pain

Walking with heel pain is frustrating and, medically, not advisable. We will give first-hand tips on how to walk in heels without pain. The first tip to wearing heels without pain is to eliminate factors that may cause pain while walking on heels. If your heels always leave you with throbbing feet, it could be because they are not the right size for you. Too tight heels will leave blisters on your feet, and what’s more painful than that? A good solution would be to stretch the heels, which you can do differently. Some people prefer putting on socks with the heels around the house first to stretch the high-heeled shoe. Another alternative is asking someone with a slightly larger foot size to wear the heels for some time. You can also get a shoe stretcher from a store, and yes- they work. So, if you feel your heels are too tight for you, stretch them out.

An under-sized heel is trouble, but an oversized one is equally ill-fitting and will cause pain. Imagine walking in shoes bigger than your feet, uncomfortable, right? It is difficult to maintain balance in an oversized heel; you will end up stressing your leg muscles. A good solution is to add inserts. Shoe inserts or padding will make your shoe fit tighter and minimize foot pain.

Also, some tips like using hand cream to reduce rubbing are also useful when you feel pain in high heels.

In conclusion, reducing heel time is the surest method to avoid walking with heel pain. Yes, we know you love to wear your heels all day but taking breaks in between is essential. While preparing for that event, take a pair of comfortable shoes along, and wear them when you need a break. In addition, it is perfectly okay to stretch your feet at intervals. Simple stretches that target your toes and ankle will ease tension in your feet.

Easiest heels to walk in for beginners

Are some heels easier to walk in than others? Of course! You cannot walk a stiletto when you have not even mastered how to walk in a wedge. Until you have trained and learned the tricks of walking in heels, do not attempt to walk in very high or thin-heeled shoes. We suggest the following heels for beginners as they are easier to walk in:

WEDGE: It is not surprising that wedge tops this list. Wedges have a broader heel fully attached to the sole, giving you increased balance and comfort.

Wedge shoes is great for beginner to learn how to walk in high heels

PLATFORMS: Platforms have a wider heel, unlike the ultra-thin heels of a stiletto. Therefore, this will ensure stability while walking on them. As a beginner, while choosing platforms, go for the ones with heights of about 2-3 inches. The flatter the platform, the lesser the pressure on the ball of your foot.

BLOCK HEELS: A sturdy block heel provides more support than an ultra-thin high heel. Wearing block heels while learning how to walk in heels will spread out the impact you absorb while walking. Therefore, this implies more balance and less pain for your back.


In summary, getting the right-sized heel for you is key to having a pleasant heel experience. Take time to build your leg strength and balance before climbing that heel. Take it easy while walking on the heels, take smaller steps and maintain a good standing posture.

As a beginner, start with wedges; it is only a matter of time before you can confidently rock that stiletto. Take the placement of the heels, the height, and the thickness of the heel into consideration while purchasing high-heeled shoes. As beauty is essential, walking with heel pain is not a pleasant experience either.

We hope our guide, “How to walk in heels,” helps you walk better and bolder. Cheers to rocking your favorite heels! Cheers to a pleasant heel experience. Did you find the tips and tricks in this guide helpful? Which tips do you look forward to trying? Don’t be a stranger, drop a comment below.

Walk in High Heels FAQs

Can heels help shape your butt?

High heels are actually not good for the plasticity of the butt, and they will make your calves thicker. Be aware that the frequency and duration of wearing high heels can affect your health.

What are the side effects of wearing high heels?

Wearing high heels for a long time will increase the burden on your feet, which is bad for your bones and Achilles tendon. When wearing high heels, you must use the correct posture and do not wear them for too long.

Are there any benefits to wearing heels?

Of course, high heels can increase your confidence and build a better posture. It can also make your feet look slender, and high heels are very necessary on some occasions.

How can I store the heels?

There are some best areas for you to store your heel, such as cabinet, behind your door, under your bed. Try to make sure that your shoes are stored in quality conditions. This means that the shoes are completely dry and stored in a breathable location. You can also try to ensure that wherever your shoes are being stored, they won’t be moving around too much or exposed to potential messes. For some materials, shoes from the same pair rubbing against one another can cause unwanted marks.

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